ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Steam Plantilla:PlatformIndicator311.74
jun 11, 2020
Xbox One Plantilla:PlatformIndicator799.15
jun 11, 2020
PS Plantilla:PlatformIndicator548.15
jun 11, 2020

Epic Games Plantilla:PlatformIndicator311.74
jun 11, 2020
Plantilla:DLCIndicatorCrystal Isles
Comando de generación
cheat summon Tropeognathus_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tropeognathus/Tropeognathus_Character_BP.Tropeognathus_Character_BP" 500 0 0 35
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Torpor Immune
X mark No
Taming Method
Rare Flower Passive
Preferred Kibble
Exceptional Kibble Exceptional Kibble
Preferred Food
Raw Mutton Raw Mutton
Check mark No Saddle Needed
Tropeognathus Saddle Tropeognathus Saddle (Level ?)
Rider Weaponry
X mark No
Feces Size
Small Animal Feces Small
Drag Weight
Radiation Immune
X mark No
Immobilized By
  • Bola Bola
  • Chain Bola Chain Bola
  • Bear Trap Bear Trap
  • Large Bear Trap Large Bear Trap
  • Plant Species Y Trap (Scorched Earth) Plant Species Y Trap Scorched Earth Icon
  • Net Projectile (Genesis Part 2) Net Projectile Genesis Part 2 Icon
Can Damage
Thatch Wall Thatch
Greenhouse Wall Greenhouse
Wooden Wall Wood
Tropeognathus Egg (Crystal Isles) Tropeognathus Egg Crystal Isles Icon
Incubation Range
29 - 32 °C / 84 - 90 °F
Egg Incubator (Genesis Part 2) Egg Incubator: 31 °C / 88 °F
Incubation Time
1h 39m 59.52s
Baby Time
5h 26m 47.843s
Juvenile Time
21h 47m 11.372s
Adolescent Time
1d 3h 13m 59.216s
Total Maturation Time
2d 6h 27m 58.431s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Común             Rara
  No domesticable   Cueva

El Tropeognathus (Tropeognathus en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en la expansión "Crystal Isles" de ARK: Survival Evolved.



Esta sección pretende ser una copia exacta de lo que ha escrito el superviviente Helena Walker, autor(a) de los dossiers. Puede haber algunas discrepancias entre este texto y la criatura del juego.creature.



Tropeognathus does not show any signs of aggression towards anyone and anything that comes near it, especially when it lands. However, once it gets hit by anything, including Chain Bola Chain Bola, it will become aggressive towards the said individual. Nearby Tropeognathus will target after anything that attacked it as well.


The Tropeognathus size-wise is bigger than a Pteranodon Pteranodon but smaller than a Tapejara Tapejara, although its wingspan is on par with that of the Quetzal Quetzal.

Its wings are covered in a striped pattern that ends at the body.

What defines this Pterosaur is its circle-shaped construct on the end of its elongated jaw, said jaw also has sharp jagged teeth.

Color Scheme and Regions[]

This section displays the Tropeognathus's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Tropeognathus. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Tropeognathus will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Tropeognathus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Tropeognathus's "main" magenta.

Tropeognathus PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Tropeognathus PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Wing Stripes Bottom
Tropeognathus PaintRegion2
Region 2:
Beak Stripes
Tropeognathus PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Tropeognathus PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Belly Light
Tropeognathus PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Top Stripes


  • Raw Meat Raw Meat
  • Hide Hide

Base Stats and Growth[]

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Health Salud 360 +72 +4.86% 0.07
Stamina Energía 250 +12.5 +5%
Oxygen Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Food Comida 1600 +160 +10% 15%
Peso Peso 340 +6.8 +4%
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 182 +0.9 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +0% 36.5%
Torpidity Inconsciencia 450 +27 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 245 539 245 -6
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A
Volando 700 1540 700 -0.325
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


This section describes how to fight against the Tropeognathus.


Tropeognathus generally remains passive even if the survivor gets near them. Tropeognathus becomes aggressive if attacked.


The advised strategy for fighting the tropeognathus in the wild is to utilise one of the wyvern variants and their ability to use ranged 'special attacks'. This is due to their high damage and speed, allowing it to kill the tropeognathus quickly and efficiently.

Additionally one may follow the same methods for taming: Immobilize the Tropeognathus using Chain Bola Chain Bolas from a Ballista Turret Ballista Turret via a Platform Saddle, preferably on a Quetzal Quetzal though a Bronto Bronto or Paracer Paracer may suffice if the Tropeognathus is found flying low enough or on the ground. Once immobilized, dismount and shoot from the platform saddle. This is not recommended for high level Tropeognathus’, the bola will likely not last long enough to kill them.

If one has a TEK Hover Skiff, the tractor beam allows for immobilizing and bolting it.


Almost all modernized long-range weaponry will do the trick while fighting against this creature, so long as you stay far away from its armor-crushing jaws.


Its jaw is large enough to break through armor easily. Additionally, they can pull you off a mount and fly high enough to cause a freed survivor to take high amounts of fall damage.


While they are very slow compared to other flyers (without saddle + pilot), they don't have much health, making them easy to kill with weapons like the Longneck Rifle Longneck Rifle.


For general information about domesticating a wild creature see Taming.

Taming Food[]

No hay resultados

Passive Tame Strategy[]

Tropeognathus is tamed non-violently, rather than through the use of tranquilizers. However, in order to trigger a way of feeding the creature, it has to be held in position with a Chain Bola Chain Bola. Since it does not attack until it has been provoked the first time, chaining it down in bola will turn it aggressive against the individual. While its possible to use a Bola Bola on a Tropeognathus to stop it from flying towards, taming it is impossible as the taming bar will show as "Try the Chain Bola Chain Bola..." while it is entangled with it.

One of the few ways is to set a trap structure with the Ballista Turret Ballista Turret in another end with the Chain Bola Chain Bola, and pull it over towards the trap area.

Hunger Drain Method[]

One of the few strategy to tame a Tropeognathus with high efficiency is to severely wound it while its entangled in a Bola bola (without killing it). Due to Tropeognathus' very slow food drop rate, this is one of the best way to drain its food faster as it is constantly used to regenerate lost health, allowing feeding to be sooner than later.

It is best advised that taming isn't already in progress if this method is to be used, as taming efficiency drop drastically due to damage factors if its in the process of taming.


The Tropeognathus has several utilities that makes it a valuable addition to any tribe's arsenal. It can act as a portable Industrial Grinder Industrial Grinder; when grind-able products are placed inside, there is an option to grind them down below "Show Ancestry" when selected, albeit at a slower pace than the grinder itself (bugged on console version). Secondly, the Tropeognathus Saddle Tropeognathus Saddle has two functions once equipped: providing a Gasoline Gasoline fueled jet-boost, and a gun turret that takes Grenade Grenade as ammunition. With similar maneuverability while not being boosted by its jet, it can be viewed as a replacement for the Tapejara Tapejara, but with all things considered, the Tapejara Tapejara does what a non-boosting Tropeognathus does at a much better capacity. Only while saddled can the Tropeognathus out-compete a Tapejara in terms of speed, but at the cost of the Tapejara's maneuverability. Likewise, the Tropeognathus is far more difficult to tame, and far less available in number than the Tapejara Tapejara.


  • Unsaddled: Without the saddle equipped, the Tropeognathus handles almost identically to a Tapejara Tapejara, with a few exceptions; it only has one flight speed, and cannot enter a sprint mode while airborne as the Tapejara can (it technically can, but it goes no faster, and Stamina stamina drains more rapidly), nor can it latch onto vertical surfaces. While the Tropeognathus can move in all directions as the Tapejara Tapejara can, it is unable to ascend or descend quickly with a single button press like the Tapejara Tapejara; instead having to be manually guided by the movement controls as it faces that direction. Without its saddle, the Tropeognathus is generally a lower-quality Tapejara, however, it can still be ridden without the saddle, and is still capable of doing one thing the Tapejara cannot, both while the saddle is equipped or unequipped: double-tapping the jump button will result in a wing-beat that will blow back many opponents, forcing them away from the Tropeognathus. Unlike the Wyvern Wyvern's similar ability, however, the Tropeo can use its own both while grounded and while airborne, albeit confined by a brief cool-down period before it can be used again; which is active and can be seen while air flows around its wings. Finally, the Tropeo is able to pick up various Dodo small creatures and survivors using the same button as the Tapejara does, however; the means of doing so is dependent on whether or not the jet boost is active. With or without the saddle equipped, provided the jet boost is not active, merely tapping the grab button will result in the Tropeo picking up the target in its beak.
  • Saddled: Once the saddle is equipped, the Tropeognathus' true potential is realized, though in order to use it properly, Gasoline Gasoline must first be placed into the Tropeo's inventory for the jet to work, and Grenade Grenade for the gun turret, respectively. With the jet propulsion active and boosted, the Tropeognathus claims its spot as the fastest flyer in all the ARKs, able to outpace even a Crystal Wyvern (gliders, divers, and boosters such as the Rock Drake Rock Drake, Griffin Griffin, Snow Owl Snow Owl and Managarmr Managarmr can technically go faster, but their speed is reliant on height and a downward course, allowing the Tropeo, in most cases, to still outpace them).
    • Jet: While unsaddled or with the jet inactive, the Tropeognathus flies comparatively to a Tapejara Tapejara, but once the jet is on, its movement is more comparable to a plane than the helicopter-like maneuvering of the Tapejara. To activate the jet propulsion, you must tap the crouch button (ctrl on PC, Right Stick on console), tapping it again while the jet is still active will result in an Immelmann turn, which is very useful for dodging and putting distance between most opponents. In order to deactivate the jet, the crouch button must be held, rather than tapped. While active, the jet has two speeds; a cruise and a boost mode, which is toggled via the sprint button. For PC only, holding the forward directional button while in cruise speed will result in a slight increase in velocity. While near to other flyers (wild, tamed, friendly or hostile), the Tropeognathus is able to gain a drafting buff which allows it to fly even more quickly; available when a soft hissing noise is heard on the screen, and a wing icon with green arrows is seen. To activate the drafting buff, all you have to do is hold down the jump button, and keep it held. The rate of gas consumption is determined by whether the Tropeo is in cruise or boost mode; with consumption rates lower in cruise, and higher in boost. Drafting in either mode will result in a higher drain rate, which is again lower in cruise, and higher in boost, with the draft in cruise speed draining less gasoline than the boost, but it goes at roughly the same speed as non-drafting boost mode. Diving straight downwards while boosting, oddly, gives the same speed as leveled flight in boost mode, but results in a higher rate of gas consumption. In order to pick up Dodo small creatures and survivors while the jet is turned on, the grab button must be held until the grab animation happens, rather than being tapped.
    • Gun Turret: The gun turret only works with the following conditions met; the jet propulsion has to be active, and Grenade Grenade need to be loaded into the Tropeo's inventory. Only standard Grenade grenade made at a Smithy Smithy will work, the gun turret does not take any other ammunition. To fire, simply press the grab button, the same button that works to pick up creatures and survivors on most other flyers (holding the grab button will not result in a shot from the grenade launcher, but instead the Tropeo using its beak to pick something up, functioning the same as when the grab button is tapped without the jet propulsion active). The damage dealt by the Grenade grenade launched from the turret is dependent not on the rider's or the Tropeo's melee damage, but instead on the saddle quality: with higher qualities dealing higher damage. The damage is likewise multiplied by how closely the Grenade grenade explodes next to a target; with splash damage being minimal, and direct hits being extremely punishing: meaning taking the time to line up the perfect shot is both worth it in damage output, and in conserving ammunition. Along with opponents, the gun turret is capable of damaging structures up to Stone in quality. It can even knock down trees and shatter rocks, though this is ill-advised as it is very cost-ineffective; with the ammo being better to conserve for enemies and structures.


  • Aerial Combatant: Saddled up with fuel and grenades in its inventory, the Tropeognathus is a force to be reckoned with in the skies above any ARK. If Tapejara Tapejara are best compared to helicopter gunships, then the Tropeognathus is the fighter jet; able to apply hit-and-run or dodge tactics in both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat situations, it makes for a fearsome opponent, but it does have a few weaknesses to consider. Where the Tropeognathus possesses both speed and maneuverability, it is lacking in one vital area: defense. Its saddle provides more punishing damage from its grenade launcher the higher the quality is, but only ever provides a damage resistance of 25 points; leaving it very vulnerable to other heavy-hitters.
    • Dogfighter: In aerial combat between other flyers, the Tropeognathus' skills are best used against unarmored, lightly armored, or low-health opponents that it can outmaneuver with its speed and agility while its jet propulsion is active. Provided it has the Stamina stamina to maintain flight; its drafting ability is without equal in regards to speed, and it can easily run down the fastest of opponents that are trying to flee from the fight; even other Tropeognathus, if they have nothing to draft off of. Without its jet propulsion however: it's a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered, so be very mindful of your mount's Stamina stamina and your fuel reserves while engaged in combat. With higher saddle qualities, the damage dealt by its grenade launcher allows it to tackle stronger or more difficult opponents, depending on the skill of the pilot. For this role, since the Tropeognathis is poorly armored, level points should be prioritized on Health health to survive what hits it takes, Stamina stamina to keep it airborne, and the necessary Weight weight to carry the rider, fuel, and ammunition in that order.
      • Low-Risk Opponents: If it can manage to land a hit, its grenade launcher is devastating against Pteranodon Pteranodon, Lymantria Lymantria, and Pelagornis Pelagornis. Slow, moderately large, and less maneuverable, Argentavis Argentavis can make for easy targets, but a large health pool and saddle armor can make them time-consuming to kill, and if it has additional riders clasped in its beak and talons with ranged weaponry, it can be dangerous for less-experienced pilots. The challenge posed by Griffin Griffin varies, but they are less maneuverable than the Tropeo, can only have one extra armed rider, and possess no armor. Swarms of Dimorphodon Dimorphodon can make for easy targets, with their slow speed, but are best left alone as a nuisance, especially if they disperse.
      • Medium-Risk Opponents: Able to swing either way, Tapejara Tapejara can vary widely in threat level; from minor, to extremely dangerous. Single-rider Tapejara Tapejara pose very little problem, but the risk increases considerably if it is outfitted with a Tek Saddle, and/or two other riders with heavy hitting weaponry, such as Rocket Launchers with Homing Missiles; this is coupled with a speedier maneuverability than an un-boosted Tropeo: be very careful to assess the threat risk of individual Tapejara Tapejara, and proceed with caution. Wyvern Wyvern are extremely dangerous if they can manage to get a hit in, especially with their breath attack, but without any saddle armor and a very wide turning radius; the risk is lower than it might appear. With careful distancing and well-placed shots, Wyvern Wyvern can be felled by a skilled Tropeognathus pilot with plenty of ammo, though the difficulty increases if you're facing Crystal Wyvern Crystal Wyvern, as they are slightly smaller targets, faster, and have a sharper turning radius than their larger cousins. With a very high Health health pool and a platform saddle, Quetzal Quetzal are best avoided, but that doesn't mean they can't be disabled. While it can be risky to approach one with multiple riders sporting ranged weaponry; the Tropeognathus can make aerial combat a living hell for the riders if it can survive getting close. On an open saddle with no blocks; the wing burst can be used to sweep riders off the Quetz's platform, and the grenade launcher can be used to clear-kill them if it has an opening to fire into. Once the riders are taken care of; disengage with the Quetzal Quetzal, as the cost to kill it is likely not worth the resources.
      • High-Risk Opponents: With its napalm burst that burns opponents, brings it up to a similar speed, and makes it a tricky target to hit; Phoenix Phoenix are best avoided. Likewise, dogfights with other Tropeognathis, while fun, can be very time-consuming and costly in gas and ammo; engage at your own discretion. Snow Owl Snow Owl themselves are not much of a risk while airborne, unless they manage to ground your Tropeognathus with a lucky freeze. The real danger comes when you run low on Health health or Stamina stamina; as attempting to land and recover while an Owl Owl is near is risky business. If you are noticed by a Snow Owl Snow Owl rider and they give pursuit, then trying to hide in thick tree-cover is a fruitless endeavor; their heat-vision will allow them to pick you out, and finish you off while you're grounded. Rock Drake Rock Drake present both different and similar risks; with their ability to camouflage, leap and glide at high speeds, they are opponents that are best to avoid while you focus on something more feasible to fight, as targeting them in the first place can be difficult in the extreme, while the same can be said of yourself to a Rock Drake Rock Drake. The real risk, just as with the Owl owl, comes when you need to leave the fight and recover. With its camouflage, provided it has the proper height to jump from to give it the speed it needs to pursue; it can easily chase down a fleeing Tropeognathus without you even noticing: taking the opportunity to kill you while you're grounded or follow you back to base. Managarmr Managarmr present what may be the highest threat-risk to a Tropeognathis among airborne opponents; fast with a decent health-pool, and able to do quick burst-dodges in any direction, the Managarmr Managarmr is already a difficult opponent to hit, despite its size. What makes the Managarmr Managarmr so dangerous is its ice breath; able to be precisely aimed, it is capable of knocking a Tropeognathus out of the sky, leaving it vulnerable to both itself, and whatever ground-based threats may be present: avoid if possible, best opportunity to counter-attack is when the Managarmr is recovering from its high stamina requirements.
    • Bomber: Much like a military drone loaded with missiles, with its speed and an ability to damage Stone-tier structures or lower with its grenade launcher; the Tropeognathus can make an effective first-strike force in a raid on an enemy base. Best to employ a hit-and-run tactic in this role; the Tropeognathus can pepper the battlefield in grenade fire to weaken stronger structures or destroy weaker ones, and wound or kill various ground-based opponents. If acting in a group, with a leader to coordinate the attack among other Tropey riders; the Grenade grenade fire can be concentrated into a deadly and effective barrage on a singular target to disable it (tactical targets such as turrets, generators, wind turbines, or gates) or a wide area to scatter the damage and hit as many targets at once as possible. The Tropey's speed is enough to counter Plant Species X Plant Species X on most occasions, but it is a good idea to still be wary of them. Danger presents itself in the form of automated defense turrets, which can pose a serious issue, but once more; speed can help get you out of range, hopefully before serious damage occurs. The most dangerous risk for Tropeognathus riders performing the Bomber role presents itself in the form of the Velonasaur Velonasaur; which can easily ground and finish off a Tropeognathus if it manages to get just one shot in: avoid at all costs.
    • Bomber Escort: Rather than taking the role of the bomber themselves, Tropeognathus can make for excellent armed guards to to an even bigger bomber, the Astrocetus Astrocetus; able to provide the warship of a whale with cover fire in the air and support fire against ground-based targets. With their strengths and weaknesses complimenting each other well; the Astrocetus with its relatively low speed (while not warping) but high health and armor, the Tropeognathus with its fearsome velocity yet low defenses, with both sporting some impressive artillery: it can make for some very fitting team dynamics. While out of combat in the Escort role, keep the jet turned off to conserve stamina and fuel, and stay close to the Astrocetus Astrocetus (an excellent strategy is to have roughly four Tropey pilots, and to position two on each side of the Astrocetus Astrocetus); as you do not want to outpace it or miss any of its AoE warp-jumps. Activate the jet propulsion only when combat against enemy survivors begins; from there, use your speed and agility to target the primary threats to the Astrocetus Astrocetus' safety. If the threats have been neutralized; continue by providing aid the Astrocetus Astrocetus in its demolition goals, as long as you still have ammunition for your grenade launcher and the relevant structures are within your capabilities to damage.
    • Titan-Hunter: By no means at all a safe role, the Tropeognathus can still provide invaluable support while combating the various Titans, particularly the Desert Titan. While the task of killing titans is best left to legions of super-bred Gigas and high-level Mek Meks, the Tropeognathus has one trick up its sleeve that allows it function in this role: precision. Rather than hunting the titan to kill it, with a large squadron of Tropey pilots, it is possible to make use of the grenade launchers to specifically target the corrupted element nodes on the titans' bodies; helping to destroy them and aid in the taming process.
  • Armor Shredder: While its bite is considerably weaker compared to most other creatures, it is capable of shredding an opponent's armor; much like Reaper Reapers and Gigantopithicus. While it shreds Human human armor with its melee bite though, it is incapable of biting through or weakening the armor provided by saddles on other tames. For this role, levels should be invested in Melee Damage Melee Damage, but it is a role that is best left to heavier combatants with better armor and higher melee damage capabilities.
  • Wyvern Egg Stealer: With unrivaled speed, a fine weight capacity, and considerable firepower; a saddled Tropeognathus makes the finest egg-stealer anyone could hope for. On a Tropey, it is easy to grab the attention of a Wyvern Wyvern, lure them away from the nest, then return and make off with the goods. If running isn't your style, then with a good quality saddle and some grenades loaded in; the Tropeognathus is more than capable of gunning down an angry Wyvern Wyvern, including Alphas. A good strategy is to grab their attention, then get them into an open area where you don't have to worry about being snagged by rocks and cliffs. Once that is accomplished; put some distance between yourself and the Wyvern Wyvern by boosting with the jet, then turn to face them while switching to cruise speed. From there, it's a simple matter of peppering them with grenade fire before they get into the range where they use their breath attack, and using the aerial flip to continually put distance between them and yourself, while continuing to face them to turn and fire the Grenade grenades. Do not reactivate the boost on the jet, keep it on cruise; as too much juice can cause a more haphazard flip-and-turn, a wider turn radius that gives the Wyvern Wyvern time to catch up to you, and can unintentionally bring you into breath range before you are able to land a shot. For this kill strategy; slow and steady is the key once you've put the initial distance between you and the Wyvern Wyvern.
  • Transport: Saddled and with fuel in its inventory; the Tropeognathus is one of the best means of long-distance and speedy travel available, capable of leaving other flyers in the dust. As it is incapable of transporting more than one rider at a time, it is not the best for mass-transit or hauling cargo in bulk, but you would be hard pressed to find a finer personal ride. For this role, invest levels primarily in Stamina Stamina.
  • Portable Grinder: While an Industrial Grinder Industrial Grinder is far more efficient, the Tropeognathus' jaws can be utilized to grind down materials into their relevant products, without the cost of Gasoline Gasoline; Wood wood into Thatch thatch, and Stone stone into Flint flint. (Bugged on console, currently)


The Tropeognathus is capable of carrying the following Creatures.


Recurso Eficiencia
Raw Meat Raw Meat N/A



Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • Tropeognathus mesembrinus roughly translates to "southern keel jaw." it is one of the few creatures in the game using real life species.
  • The Tropeognathus currently possesses the same sounds as the Tapejara Tapejara.
  • It is one of the fastest flying mount with jet boost on, along side with Griffin Griffin and Snow Owl Snow Owl, however it's slower than Rock Drake Rock Drake's gliding speed.
  • It is the first creature to have a jet engine on its saddle.
  • The Tropeognathus with its jet sprint is actually a bit faster than the tek suit (ca. 10 km/h).
  • The Tropeognathus model and sounds have a strong resemblance to the Tapejara Tapejara, Microraptor Microraptor has the same issues as well, as it resembles the Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx.
  • On its release, Tropeognathus will be exclusive to Crystal Isles. On Consoles however, it will appear on other maps until its map releases, and will spawn at a max two per map, after which they will only be strictly exclusive to that map. [1]
  • Unlike other flyers, Tropeognathus cannot sprint fly in the air unless its jet engine is active.
  • Surprisingly, the Tropeognathus isn´t even half as fast as the Unassembled TEK Hover Skiff (Genesis Part 1) Tek Hover Skiff.
  • Tropeognathus is one of the few passive tames that displays "Dino does not want to be tamed right now" without the right condition to feed the food, others being Tusoteuthis Tusoteuthis. Basilisk Basilisk and Titanoboa Titanoboa.
  • Tropeognathus can grab creatures while boosting by pressing X.


