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Las tribus (Tribes en la versión original del juego) son una de las mecánicas del juego disponible en ARK: Survival Evolved


Las tribus permiten a los jugadores de ARK formar un grupo y trabajar juntos para cumplir un objetivo común, como derrotar a tribus rivales o derrotar a jefes poderosos del juego. Las tribus pueden tener varios administradores y cuentan con opciones de gestión únicas.

Visita el Official Server Tribe Directory y el Unofficial Server Tribe Directory si estás buscando una Tribu en ARK o si quieres reclutar a nuevos miembros.

Información general

En ARK: Survival Evolved, podrás crear una Tribu y añadir a tus amigos a ella. Al hacerlo, todos los miembros de la tribu podrán usar tus mascotas; además, también podrán reaparecer en tus puntos de reaparición. Si asciendes a los miembros a Administradores de la Tribu, podrás además delegar parte de todo el trabajo de organización y te será más fácil mantener un grupo de jugadores satisfechos. Si distribuyes llaves y códigos para que todos puedan acceder a las zonas compartidas, ¡mantendrás un alto nivel de seguridad frente a otras tribus y facilitarás el acceso de todos tus miembros en cualquier momento!

También puedes crear niveles diferentes dentro de una tribu. Esto quiere decir que podrás generar un sistema en el cual no todos los miembros puedan acceder a los cofres con tus objetos o planos. También podrás controlar este acceso ajustando un nivel determinado de miembro de la tribu para poder hacerlo, o simplemente creando zonas complejas para proteger tus bienes.


Hacer una puerta a una esclusa de nivel 3 en su tribu por lo tanto nadie por debajo de ese nivel puede abrir esa puerta, Lo mejor es que usted puede utilizar este sistema en los dinosaurios también por lo que si quieres dinosaurios personales que sea el más alto rango por lo que sólo usted u otras personas que usted pone en ese nivel puede montar el Dino.

Directorio de tribus

Consulta el directorio de tribus del servidor oficial y el directorio de tribus del servidor no oficial si estás buscando una tribu a la que unirte en ARK. Si prefieres añadir una tribu al directorio, usa el formulario correspondiente en la página del directorio.

Beneficios de una tribu

Al unirte a una tribu, tendrás ciertos beneficios que van más allá de ser un grupo más grande para enfrentarte a enemigos numerosos, tanto salvajes como otros jugadores. Si recolectas o consigues EXP en las cercanías de miembros de tu tribu, obtendrás EXP adicional, lo cual te ayudará a avanzar más rápido de lo que podrías conseguir por tu cuenta.

Crear/Unirte a una tribu

Para crear una tribu, abre tu inventario y haz clic en "Ajustes de tribu". Aquí podrás crear, administrar o abandonar tu tribu actual. Desde la versión 260, en el modo de un jugador se te asigna una tribu automáticamente al comenzar tu aventura.

Para invitar a alguien a tu tribu, acércate a él/ella y mantém pulsado el botón de acción (por defecto, E) para abrir la rueda de interacción. Si tienes los permisos para invitar a gente a tu tribu, aparecerá la opción de enviar una invitación. Mantén el cursor sobre la invitación hasta que se complete el tiempo de carga, tras lo cual podrás enviar la invitación.

Para aceptar una invitación a una tribu, abre el menú de interacción con la persona que te ha invitado y mantén el cursor sobre la invitación hasta que se complete el tiempo de carga.

Tribe owners can also designate members in their tribe as admins, allowing those members to send invites to anyone as well. To make a Tribe member an admin, open the "Tribe Management" menu, click the player's name, and click "Make this member an admin".

When in a solo tribe, owning structures and tamed animals, and joining with another tribe, be sure to MERGE the tribes together, or everything belonging to your tribe will be lost.

Types of Tribes

Tribes will often fall into more than one of the below categories, but they tend to focus on one primary aspect of the game.

  • PVE Tribe - This type of Tribe focuses on activities that do not engage other players/Tribes in a hostile way. These Tribes may focus on end-game bosses such as Broodmother Lysrix and taming rare dinos.
  • PVP Tribe - PVP Tribes focus on attacking rival tribes, forming alliances, and engaging other players in combat.

Tribe Governance

Before joining a Tribe, make sure to view the Tribe's information in the activation menu. This information determines how ownership, taming, and PIN codes will be managed. If you do not see any Tribe Governance settings, they have not been set up yet.

Dino Ownership

These settings control how your Dinosaur ownership will be affected once you join the Tribe.

Tribe Owned

Any Dinosaur you own belongs to the tribe, and any tribe member can unclaim, ride, access the inventory, and command the Dino. Affects dinos owned previously to when you joined the Tribe. If you leave the Tribe, the Dino stays.

Personally Owned, Tribe Ridden

Tribe members can access your Dino’s inventory, ride, and command your Dinosaur, but the Dino is still owned by you. For example, if the dino is your's above its name it will say, "owned by [username]". That is how you will know it's your dinosaur. If you leave the tribe, the Dino will leave with you.

When you join or make a tribe, any Dino you have will be in the tribe. Other people in your tribe will be able give commands to your Dino that they did not tame. If you tame a Dino and you are in a tribe it will be in the tribe and the people in the tribe will be able to give commands to it. Your tribe mates can put stuff in the Dino's inventory and put a saddle on it so they can ride it or as a gift to you. When your tribemate rides the Dino they can attack with it and gather resources from the Dino's inventory.

Personally Owned, Personally Ridden

Los miembros de la tribu no pueden montar, mandar ni acceder al inventario de tu Dino. Si dejas la tribu, el Dinosaurio también se marcha.

Dino Taming

These settings control how Dino taming will be handled once you’ve joined the Tribe. This option is only available if Dino Ownership is not set to “Tribe Owned” in the above setting.

Tribe Taming

Once you join the Tribe, any Dino you train will belong to the tribe. Any Tribe member can unclaim, ride, access inventory, and command the Dinosaur. If you leave the Tribe, the Dino stays.

Personal Taming

Once you join the Tribe, any Dino you tame will belong to you and follow the Tribe’s Dino Ownership rules. Taming rights are determined by who knocked the Dino out (if knocked out by a player) or put the first piece of food in its inventory. View the Taming HUD to see who will own the Dinosaur.

Structure Ownership

These settings control who owns structures in the Tribe, as well as who can demolish, place new objects, and set PIN codes.

Tribe Owned

Every structure and object placed is owned by the entire tribe, and all tribe members can interact with it. If you leave the Tribe, anything you built as a Tribe member remains in the tribe.

Personally Owned, Tribe Snap, Admin Demolish

Anything you place is owned by you and will continue to be yours if you leave the Tribe. Tribe snap allows other Tribe members to place objects and build nearby. Admin Demolish means that only you or admins can demolish what you own.

Personally Owned, Personal Snap

Anything you place is owned by you, and only you can add on to it by placing new objects or structures. If you leave the Tribe, you retain ownership.

Locks & Pincodes

These settings control how Locks & Pincodes will be handled between Tribe members. This option is only available if Structure Ownership is not set to “Tribe Owned” in the above setting. The game is not complete so the members may still have control of the storage boxes.

Tribe Locks & Pincodes

Applies to gates, doors, and does not apply to storage chests. If any of these objects are locked or has a PIN, tribe members can automatically bypass this. Non-tribe members will have to know the PIN or else they cannot access these items.

Personal Locks & Pincodes

Applies to gates, doors, and does not apply to storage chests. If any of these objects are locked or has a PIN, only you can immediately bypass this. Both tribe members and non-members must know the PIN to access the item.

Grupos en las tribus

Los grupos son una manera de controlar el acceso de los miembros de la tribu a diversas opciones de administración de la misma. Al crear subgrupos y establecer un nivel de rango (0-9 es lo recomendable, con 0 siendo el valor en que todos los miembros tienen acceso a las opciones especificadas y 9 siendo el valor por el que solo un grupo muy reducido tiene acceso a las opciones especificadas), el fundador o administradores puede asignar un rango a estructuras, dinosaurios y miembros de la tribu. Al hacerlo, se crean diferentes interacciones importantes para una organización adecuada. Por ejemplo, un miembro de la tribu en rango 0 no podrá abrir puertas o montar/silbar a un dinosaurio de la tribu hasta que sea ascendido al rango 1 o superior.

  • When starting a group, it's important to make more than one group. Otherwise, the main admins within the tribe will be limited to the rank numbers like standard members. Basically have a Non-Admin:Group and Admin-Only:Group relation. It is okay to place an Admin into a lower ranking group.
    • Group admins' purpose is to help manage the tribe. Depending on what the Tribe Owner/Admin decides for the group admin's ability they can:
      • Recruit Players
      • Banish Players from tribe
      • Promote or Demote a member to certain Position or even Rank #
  • When a group member builds, their structure is automatically assigned to the last number rank they chose before.
  • One can view the Group and Ranking as a type of Guild System. System of rules and regulations that allows members certain access and certain promotional benefits.
  • Another purpose of the Group-Ranking system is to lower the chances of tribal theft, sabotage and dino carelessness.

Tribal Warfare

Since the release of Patch 223.0, Tribes in PvE now have an option to declare war on each other. To do this, the Owner or Admins of the Tribe go up to another Tribe's Owner or Admins. When selecting an option, they may either recruit or declare war. Declaring war will bring up the schedule menu. This will allow when the war offically begins and ends.

Current Day/Time

This displays what the current in-game time is. An admin can change the time of day, e.g. timeofday 08:00 to set the time to 08:00.

Día inicial / Día final

Hace referencia al día en que comienza o termina una guerra. Por defecto, mostrará los días de juego.

Start Time/End Time

What time, in in-game hours and minutes, the war will take place. Default starts at 6, in-game, minutes from the current time and ends an hour later.

Alianza de tribus

Since the release of Patch 235.0, Tribes in PvE and PvP now have an option to form an Alliance with each other. To do this, the Owner or Admins of a tribe must form an alliance by entering a name and clicking the "Form new alliance" button in the Tribe Manager, then if they formed or are an admin of an alliance, they must go up to another Tribe's Owner or Admins. When selecting an option, they may either recruit, declare war or invite to Alliance. Once the other tribe admin has accepted the invite, the tribes will become allies which changes some interactions those tribes will have, including the most immediately obvious change, that their players and dinos are highlighted in cyan text, similar to their own tribe's green names. A Tribe Alliance admin can promote other tribes to admin or remove them from the tribe alliance at any time via the tribe manager interface, similarly a member tribe may leave an alliance at any time. Tribes may join or be admins of up to 5 Alliances at a single time and a single Alliance can consist of up to 12 tribes at a time.

Características de las alianzas de tribus

  • Allied Tribes' players and Dinos are highlighted in visible cyan text from a far greater distance than the usual red text.
  • There is a separate Alliance chat between all members of an Alliance.
  • Allied Tribe members are able to jump into the pouch of a tamed Procoptodon or the additional seats of a Gallimimus, Tapejara, Diplodocus, Roll Rat, or Rock Drake.
  • Pillars and foundations do not prevent an allied tribe from building any structures nearby, although no structures can be snapped to or placed directly on top of another tribe's structures. Be warned that if a tribe leaves an alliance, any structures built within the usual no-build zone will not be able to have any additional structures added to them until foundations/pillars are removed or the alliance is reformed.
  • Any Allied tribe's powered Electrical Outlet will power any allied Electrical structures built nearby it.
  • Dinos can eat from allied tribes' troughs.
  • Allied Tribes' can take part in your tribe wars.

Características adicionales de las alianzas de tribus en servidores PvP

  • Dinosaurs set to "Aggressive" or "Neutral" will not attack an allied tribe member or their dinos.
  • Turrets and Plant Species X will not target allied tribe members or their dinos.
  • Allied Tribes' fliers can carry mounts with riders, rather than remove the rider.
  • Servers with offline protection mode enabled will disable being able to create a tribe alliance.

Tribe Ascension (Mobile)

Plantilla:Unreleased section Plantilla:Exclusive section Tribe Ascension is a feature exclusive to ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile. Tribes will earn points for doing everyday activities specific to the Game Mode they play on (for PVP, killing another player, etc.). The Tribe in first place will "Ascend", at which point their bases and tames will be wiped, but they will gain access to more tame slots and exclusive cosmetics to show that they are the "Ascendant Tribe". The Ascendant Tribe will also earn less points, making it harder to maintain their position. If a Tribe Ascends 4 times, they will gain access to an exclusive server specifically for Ascendant Tribes, testing who is the ultimate Tribe.
