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Raptor Alfa
Raptor Alfa
Alpha Raptor Image.jpgAlpha Raptor Image
Alpha Raptor Image
Steam Plantilla:PlatformIndicator194.0
ago 7, 2015
Xbox One

Epic Games
Comando de generación
cheat summon MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/MegaRaptor_Character_BP.MegaRaptor_Character_BP" 500 0 0 35
Missing Unknown
X mark No
X mark No
no MAP available

El Raptor Alfa es una de las criaturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved. Daniel devuelveme la jornalero espada.

Información básica[]

El Raptor Alfa es más grande y más fuerte que un Raptor convencional, y aparece muy raramente en The Island. Además, también mejorará el daño y la resistencia de cualquier otra criatura salvaje que se encuentre en las cercanías. Son una amenaza muy importante para cualquier jugador en sus etapas iniciales.

Derrotar un Raptor Alfa brinda una gran cantidad de experiencia además de otorga a todos los jugadores cercanos Rex Bone Helmet Rex Bone Helmet.

Frecuentemente recompensarán con recetas, armas y armaduras de gran calidad, entre otros objetos.

Los Raptor Alpha no otorgarán carne normal cuando sean cosechados. En su lugar, brindarán una gran cantidad de Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat.


El Raptor Alfa tiene un comportamiento muy parecido al de un Raptor normal. Se mueve muy rápido e inflige mucho daño cuerpo a cuerpo. Esto hace que sea difícil huir de ellos, por lo que no se recomienda acercarse a ellos a menos que puedas plantarles cara. El Raptor Alfa tiene mucha vida, al igual que el Rex Alfa o el Carnotauro Alfa. Este dinosaurio podrá destruir edificios que no sean de metal muy fácilmente, por lo que no se recomienda esconderse de ellos dentro de una estructura de tu base que no sea capaz de aguantar sus embestidas salvajes. El Raptor Alfa cuenta con un salto muy potente, con el que atacará a los enemigos por detrás para convertirlos en presas más fáciles.



Relación de tamaño

El Raptor Alfa es cercano a 1.5x el tamaño normal de un Raptor común y comparten la misma paleta de colores pero con un tono ligeramente más oscuro. También conservan el aura brillante de color rojo alrededor de ellos, haciendo más fácil el diferenciarlos de su contraparte.

Esquema de colores y regiones[]

This section displays the Raptor Alfa's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Raptor Alfa. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Raptor Alfa will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Raptor Alfa's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Raptor Alfa's "body accent" magenta.

Alpha Raptor PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Body Accent
Alpha Raptor PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Feather Tips
X mark

La región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Alpha Raptor PaintRegion3
Region 3:
X mark

La región 4 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Alpha Raptor PaintRegion5
Region 5:

Objetos obtenidos al cazarlo[]

Botín especial garantizado

Estadísticas base y crecimiento[]

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto
Health Salud 3600 +720
Stamina Energía 150 +15
Oxygen Oxígeno N/A5 N/A
Food Comida 1200 +120
Peso Peso 140 +2.8
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 402 +2
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3
Torpidity Inconsciencia 180 +10.8

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.
5La Raptor Alfa no puede ser ahogada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo
Caminando 909.5 1882.6649
Nadando 595 N/A
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation


En esta sección te explicamos cómo enfrentarte a un Raptor Alfa.


Know your strategy before the confrontation. The worst time to encounter/battle an alpha raptor is when the player is unprepared. Use all resources available to take it down, and do not be afraid to do battle with a tamed creature, as long as it has high levels in combat sections like Health and Melee damage. Take into account that the alpha can shred its prey if it catches it. If it gets its claws on the player, the player must turn and face it down. At that point, it is strictly a race to kill the other opponent. Employ pikes, swords and spears so you aren't the loser!


The easiest method to kill an alpha raptor requires a Raft and at least two people. Lead the alpha into the water and have someone drive the raft away from the raptor, as long as it is swimming, it will move slowly. Shoot it while it follows you in the water and it should die after a while.

Another Strategy is to use a high leveled Argentavis - make sure the Argentavis is leveled up in health/stamina /damage. It is recommended not to use the stamina for anything except attack. Fly slow and attack just above the Alpha's head. This will limit the incoming damage, but be aware you will need to perch on a rock high enough to regain stamina while the raptor tries to attack you. Be smart and the fight will end shortly.

A third strategy is use a Quetzal with a Ballista built on its platform saddle. Any Emplacement should suffice, however.

Using a Pteranodon is useful; the barrel-roll (default C) allows you to hit the enemy without getting hit in return.

You can also use a raft with Plant Species X grown on it and lure the alpha away and just go along the shore.

One other viable means of attack is a pack of high level Allosauruses. The pack boost is a must, (and mate boost for added attack and damage reduction) as it will gnash the Alpha and cause it to bleed. An allosaurus pack is particularly useful for mobbing an Alpha Raptor as their rapid attack speed and good reach make it hard for the Alpha Raptor to get many return hits in. Never take just one Allosaurus, as it will not survive the encounter. A pack of three health/stamina/melee damage Allosauruses can take out a level 5 Alpha with minimal issues so long as you make sure the pack is attacking relentlessly. The higher level the individuals, the higher the Alpha they can topple.

A mid to high level Therizinosaurus can be used to duel a mid level alpha raptor, their damage output and fast attack rate can keep the alpha raptor far enough away to effectively fight it.

You can also build a cage of metal on a raft and use yourself as bait to get it in. Once it's in, close the door behind and pepper it with range attacks.

A Cheap Strategy to duel an Alpha Raptor is using Carno, it's headbutt can duel considerable knockback to the Alpha before it reach you, although your Carno's stamina may run out, but keep headbutting the Alpha to make the best effort, make sure there's no other Alpha's allies(Such as Dilophosaurus, Raptor)

Another fairly cheap strategy is taming several (at least 3) Carbonemys, and facing down said Alpha, preferably with you unmounted, jabbing with a pike or spear. The reason why is because of the turtle's high armor and good health. The raptor will be distracted by the turtles, so if you go behind it, you can stab it to death quite easily.

When barely starting a great method is to wait for a low level alpha raptor to kill a wild dino and keep biting its corpse. The corpse will not be consumed which gives you the perfect opportunity to shoot it with arrows. Be wary of other dinos that may consume the corpse and always try to find an unreachable place the alpha can not reach you. Ex.( high rock, a cliff)

Another Strategy is to make 1 Stone Foundation and 4 Stone Door frames and make a trap where you place the Foundation and then place 3 Stone Door Frames in a U shape on the Stone Foundation then with a Pteranodon attack the Alpha Raptor once then lead it into the trap which the Alpha Raptor will take agro on and and then you can either get off of your mount and place the final Door Frame to lock in the Alpha Raptor or you can stay on your mount and place the final Door Frame and from there you can attack it and kill it in whatever way you like but the preferred method is to use a crossbow and arrows. On a sidenote because the alpha raptor can damage stone it is recommended to only trap low level raptors this way as higher levels can break out before you can kill it.


Usa armas de larga distancia y monturas que te permitan infligirles daño a distancia. Si te peleas cuerpo a cuerpo, usa picas, espadas y lanzas. No corras, ya que será inútil. Usa todo lo que tengas, incluso el terreno: si consigues atrapar a un Raptor Alfa entre árboles o rocas, podrá salvarte la vida (y probablemente hasta signifique el fin de la suya).


The alpha raptor is extremely fast, and you will most likely never escape one unless you have a flying mount or a high level Galimimus. If you find yourself in a fight with an alpha raptor head for the water, the alpha raptor will almost always be slower than you in water. The alpha raptor also deals massive amounts of damage, so if you are not ready to fight one, it is highly recommended to not approach it.

Unlike regular raptors, Alpha Raptors do not pounce so there is no worry for it dismounting you from your tame. This does not stop other raptor allies from joining the fight and pouncing you as well.


  • If a player is prepared, they can usually use a powerful mount (e.g. Rex, Thylacoleo, Allosaurus, Therizinosaurus), other tribe members, or guns to kill off the terrifying Alpha Raptor.
  • The Alpha Raptor keeps biting until the body of a victim decomposes, this gives you the opportunity to attack it from long range.
  • It suffers from headshots. A scoped-longneck or fabricated sniper does this job well.


