ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Scorched Earth DLC Genesis Part 1 DLC Este artículo trata de una característica exclusiva del DLC: Scorched Earth, Genesis: Parte 1
Estos valores pueden diferir con lo que ve en el juego o escrito en otro lugar. Pero eso es lo que el dosier dice.
Birds, Fantasy Creatures
Comedor de llamas
Steam 268.0
septiembre 3, 2017
Xbox One 762.0
septiembre 23, 2017
Logo Mobile
Nintendo Switch
Epic Games 311.74
junio 11, 2020
Comando de generación
admincheat summon Phoenix_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Phoenix/Phoenix_Character_BP.Phoenix_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Phoenix (Gauntlet)
admincheat summon Phoenix_Character_BP_Gauntlet_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Volcanic/Phoenix_Character_BP_Gauntlet.Phoenix_Character_BP_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Se puede montar
Se puede criar
Check mark Si
Check mark Si2
X mark No

2 Although the Dossier says no.

Torpor Immune
Check mark Si
Taming Method
Rare Flower Passive
Check mark No Saddle Needed
Rider Weaponry
X mark No
X mark No
EXP por muerte
Prob. de botín especial
Tamaño de heces
Drag Weight
Inmunes a la radiación
X mark No
Net Projectile (Genesis Part 2) Net Projectile Genesis Part 2 Icon
no MAP available

El Fénix (Phoenix en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en la expansión "Scorched Earth" de ARK: Survival Evolved.



Esta sección pretende ser una copia exacta de lo que ha escrito el superviviente Helena Walker, autor(a) de los dossiers. Puede haber algunas discrepancias entre este texto y la criatura del juego.creature.



El Fénix solo puede encontrarse durante una ola de calor en "Scorched Earth". El Fénix nunca aterrizará en tierra, permaneciendo en el aire a gran altura todo el tiempo. Lo seguirá haciendo hasta que la ola de calor acabe y el Fénix se convierta en cenizas. Cuando aparezca una nueva ola de calor, el Fénix renacerá de dichas cenizas, creando (al igual que al morir) una espectacular secuencia mediante una bola de fuego.


El Fénix, como puede deducirse de su nombre ya conocido, es un pájaro en llamas. La imagen popular del mismo muy probablemente se deriva de la interpretación griega de un antiguo mito egipcio.

El pájaro en sí tiene colores muy llamativos por todo su cuerpo, y sus plumas ardientes en cola y alas son muy distintivas. El cuerpo del Fénix, la parte trasera de su cabeza, las alas y la cola están constantemente en llamas, que tienen un color anaranjado. Tiene plumas de cola largas y una prominente cresta emplumada. Las patas tienen garras curvadas, con uñas en los nudillos y en la parte trasera de la pata. Cada ala tiene una única garra, similar a la delArqueópterix Arqueópterix (pero solo tiene una, en oposición a las tres que tiene este último). El pico es curvo y tiene un aspecto raptoriano.

Debido a su naturaleza ardiente, se pueden ver fácilmente durante la noche. Durante el día, es una criatura un poco más compleja de encontrar. Esto se puede arreglar escribiendo el comando "Gamma -1" en la consola de comandos. Solo podrás hacerlo si está permitido el cambio de gamma en el servidor, ya que por ejemplo, en servidores oficiales de PvP no podrás hacerlo.

Esquema de colores y regiones[]

This section displays the Fénix's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Fénix. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Fénix will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Fénix's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Fénix's "main body" magenta.

No image available
Region 0:
Main Body
No image available
Region 1:
Beak and Feet
X mark

La región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark

La región 3 no se usa
en esta criatura.

No image available
Region 4:
Feather Highlights
No image available
Region 5:
Underbelly and Wing Highlights

Objetos obtenidos tras cazarlo[]

Estadísticas base y crecimiento[]

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Health Salud 640 +128 +5.4% 0.07
Stamina Energía 352 +35.2 +10%
Oxygen Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Food Comida 1500 +150 +10%
Peso Peso 324 +6.48 +4%
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 14 / 232 +0.7 / +1.15 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +0%
Torpidity Inconsciencia 200 +12 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 260 637 910 5
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A
Volando 600 1470 2100 3
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


En esta sección, se describe cómo luchar contra un Fénix.


El Fénix siempre huirá de una pelea, por lo que tendrás que perseguirlo para abatirlo.


Evitar usar Guiverno Guiverno, ya que pueden acabar quemados por el Fénix o, en el caso de los Guivernos de Fuego, podrían curarlo si usan su ataque de aliento (sin embargo, si tienes cuidado y solo usas el mordisco, pueden servirte como montura aceptable). El Guiverno de Fuego es la mejor manera de domesticar a un Fénix ya que no lo podrías atrapar con un Quetzal Quetzal y usar un Archivo:Lanzallamas.png lanzallamas dado que el Quetzal no aparece en Scorthed Earth, también puedes seguir al Fénix hasta el final de la Ola de Calor y construir una trampa alrededor de las cenizas, recuerda usar una altura mínima de 5 paredes en tu trampa para que no aparezca encima de ella, dado que spawnea encima del montón de cenizas.


Podrás usar cualquier arma que puedas equiparte en una montura con la que puedas perseguir al Fénix. Ten cuidado, ya que el fuego lo cura en lugar de dañarlo. Intenta emplear los ataques de rayo y veneno de los Guivernos respectivos, aprovechándote del largo alcance que tienen.


The Phoenix itself poses little to no danger to either the player or mounts, though they will become aggressive if hurt or aggravated by something like the consumption of a Rare Flower Rare Flower. However, since the Phoenix can only be found during the Heat Wave event in Scorched Earth, beware of the temperature and nearby predators.


The Phoenix has mediocre health and are not dangerous unless tamed. Thus, they can usually be killed with relative ease using arrows or guns. Though it would make sense that water would quench the Phoenix's fire, this is not the case. A Phoenix can touch the water without consequence.


It’s only found on the Scorched Earth map during a Heat Wave weather event.

The Phoenix can be found in a random location a good distance up in the sky (approximately where Tapejara fly as well). The Phoenix must be struck with flaming weapons in order to tame. This includes the Flamethrower, Flaming Arrows and Fire Wyvern breath. When struck by fire, the taming bar will increase minutely. It takes a long time, and If the process is not completed before the Heat Wave ends the Phoenix will disintegrate into a pile of ashes. The Phoenix will spawn from the same ash pile at the start of the next Heat Wave.

It should be noted that if a Phoenix can be found while outside a Heat Wave, it cannot be tamed by blowing fire on it. Phoenixes will spawn above their ash heaps at the start of the next heatwave. It is possible to catch them in a cage to ease taming if you can find an ash heap or track a living Phoenix to the end of a previous Heat Wave event. The cage should be at least 5 walls high because they spawn above their ashes, not in them. The Phoenix can fly through any opening except a single doorway.

Also, it appears that once a Player hits a Phoenix with fire the taming progress does not regress, damage does not undo the progress, and Phoenixes do not lose any levels as a result of damage taken while taming. It will lose taming effectiveness when waiting too long between "hits" with fire. Additionally it seems that no one else can finish the tame except the tribe that started it.

Once tamed, the Phoenix will eat only Sulfur Sulfur. It can not land, and must be mounted/dismounted in the air.

Métodos de domesticado[]

Usar flechas de fuego
Impactar sobre un Fénix volando con una Archivo:Flecha de fuego (Scorched Earth).png flecha de fuego es bastante complicado, siendo además la peor manera de domesticarlos. Estas flechas infligirán daño al impactar, pero las llamas no lo harán (como podría imaginarse considerando el trasfondo creativo del fénix como criatura fantástica asociada al fuego). Sin embargo, infligir daño al Fénix mientras lo domesticas no disminuirá la eficiencia del domesticado.
Flying after a Phoenix and drenching it in fire with the Flamethrower (Scorched Earth) Flamethrower Scorched Earth Icon is effective; though you will need a lot of gas and 2 or 3 flamethrowers to complete a high level tame.
Fire Wyvern
Perhaps one of the most efficient, and fastest method of taming a Phoenix is to search for it and follow it with a high stamina Fire Wyvern Fire Wyvern. The Fire Wyverns breath has the most effect for taming progress compared to all the other methods, and keeping up with a Phoenix in the air is made easier with a Wyvern. This method can be made even easier by using a built trap, another Fire Wyvern,(preferably of the opposite gender, as the mate boost increases the breath damage and thus makes taming faster), a survivor held in the Wyvern's claws equipped with a flamethrower if flying, using oil jars in addition, or by combining all of the above options for maximum taming prowess.
Oil Jars
Oil Jar (Scorched Earth) Oil Jars can be used to tame the Phoenix if you know where their Ashes are, and you don't have means for multiple flamethrowers, or access to a Fire Wyvern. Build a foundation directly in front of the the ashes and build a box with doorframes five walls above the ashes. Once the box is built, build a place to stand and once the Heat event starts, throw down oil jars and light them with a torch. Keep throwing down oil jars and the blaze will tame the Phoenix. This is by far the fastest method as a level 150 can be tamed in under 15 minutes this way. Make sure to bring a couple stacks of jars however. Also be careful as the heat from the jars will rapidly increase your temperature.

Nota: en las versiones anteriores a V.269, podías domesticar a un Fénix fuera de la ola de calor poniendo una antorcha o quemando aceite en sus cenizas. A partir de esta versión, los desarrolladores confirmaron que ya no se puede domesticar a esta criatura fuera de una ola de calor.



The Phoenix has four distinct attacks:

Left Mousebutton, RT, PS4: R2, which triggers a simple, fairly weak, bite from its beak and applies DOT (damage over time) burn damage. This attack can harvest corpses.
Right Mousebutton, LT, PS4: L2, which launches a fireball, or 'blaze', and applies DOT burn damage only. This attack has no immediate hit damage when it contacts but acts shortly after. (Note: If RPG style damage text is turned on, it will appear as if no damage is being done as the number will not appear and if a target is killed with this attack, it will not credit the kill to the Phoenix. This is most likely due to the game not treating the fireball as an entity created by the Phoenix itself. No kill feed will appear and no XP will be gained if the victim is killed in this manner.)
Talon Attack
C, Right Stick, PS4: Right Stick, which triggers a talon attack that does more immediate damage than the bite and does not apply DOT damage. This attack can also mine rocks and metal nodes as well as harvest trees.
Rocket High Speed
Space, A, PS4: Cross triggers a flying rocket-like high-speed move that damages and burns anything that it hits or that touches the aura around its body or the fire trail behind it. The attack takes about 3 seconds to actually initiate the fire aura and trail and another 10 seconds to reach maximum speed and has a 3 second cool down between ending the attack and starting it again. During its fiery rocket boost, it has a very large turning radius that limits how quickly it can turn. Moving up or down during this is significantly quicker than moving left or right.
Note that of the attacks that apply a DOT burn, leveling up Melee Damage Melee Damage will not increase the damage the fire does, only the melee attack itself. This means that the base damage of the Fireball attack will always be the same regardless.


Travel Mount
Despite what the dossier says, Phoenixes can be ridden, even without a saddle and can somehow be ridden without burning the survivor. Phoenixes have a special attack that allows them to traverse at an extreme speed, and being in the air, little to no obstacles can block your path. Although the Phoenix does have one of the largest turning radius's in the game when boosting, this problem is usual trivial when high enough in altitude. This allows the Phoenix to be an even better travel option than even that of the Pteranodon Pteranodon or Wyvern Wyvern due to its incredible speed. Level Stamina Stamina and Weight Weight.
Golem Killer
Because of the mechanics of how fire deals damage depending on the relative size of a creature, the Phoenix can use its fire to burn Rock Elemental Rock Elementals for considerable damage. Thanks to the wide range of fiery attacks and its aerial position, a Phoenix can be one of the best ways to kill an Elemental, though caution during this process is advised as the Elemental's attacks are powerful. Level Health Health, Melee Damage Melee Damage, and Stamina Stamina.
Living Campfire/Forge
The Phoenix will passively cook Raw Meat Raw Meat and Metal Metal placed in its inventory. This makes it a useful mount for travel or for a nomadic survivor, as one can cook their kills without having to set up a campfire; it is the superior way to harvest Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat and Raw Mutton Raw Mutton, as there will be no lag time before the meat starts getting cooked. It can also be used to smelt metal into Metal Ingot Metal Ingots and to refine Oil Oil and Hide Hide into Gasoline Gasoline. The Phoenix provides these functions in the same quantities as the Campfire Campfire and Refining Forge Refining Forge but cycles much more quickly; it does not approach the capacity of the Industrial Grill Industrial Grill and Industrial Forge Industrial Forge, though. Keep in mind that the use of the Phoenix as a travel mount or smelter can be hindered by its relatively low Weight. Still, leveling Weight Weight would be beneficial.
Thanks to its ability to cook meat inside its inventory, the Phoenix can be an optimal choice for gathering and cooking easily spoiling meats like Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat in a quick time span, in large quantities. The Phoenix also has a large arsenal of decent attacks that allow it to switch up whatever kind of attack it needs depending on a situation, minimizing damage taken from aggressive prey. One of the most optimal attacks for this would be the fireball, which can be shot from a distance and does not aggro the victim while it is burning; bigger creatures are more affected by fire than smaller ones. With excellent speed, a survivor and Phoenix can easily return to base and stash the already cooked meat for later use.
The Phoenix can gather a surprising amount of resources, from Wood Wood to Piedra piedra, with its peck (Left Mousebutton, RT, PS4: R2) and claw attacks (C, Right Stick, PS4: Right Stick). In fact, the Phoenix is one of the most versatile harvesters in the entire game, and can meet every harvesting need except for Berries and Fiber. Only the Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus and Mantis Mantis beat it in the amount of things it can harvest. The claw attacks are required for harvesting metal as the peck doesn't damage rocks. It would be advised to have a secondary creature to aid in the gathering process, as the Phoenix's weight can be limiting, especially if it's low level. Level Weight Weight and Melee Damage Melee Damage.
Because the Phoenix can harvest almost anything including trees and rocks. This can make it very useful for clearing out a space for placing construction or making a path. Using the clawing attack will be most useful for this task, as it can destroy almost any resource and has a good area of effect.
Farmeo de perlas
En lugar de soltar heces, el Fénix defecará almejas en las que pueden encontrarse Perlas perlas. Ocasionalmente, el Fénix también soltará Archivo:Perla negra.png perlas negras, un recurso raro y difícil de conseguir. La creación autónoma de estas perlas es muy útil para conseguir materiales para la creación de objetos valiosos para tu personaje.
Though the Phoenix's moderately weak attack power, mediocre health, and lack of a saddle are not particularly great for use in war, the fiery bird more than makes up for it in its wide range of abilities and its DOT fire that most of its attacks have. Like other fires in the game, burning is least effective against small creatures, like a Jerboa Jerboa, and most effective against large creatures, like a Paraceratherium Paraceratherium. Its bite attack can deliver damage as well as burn a target. Its spit fire attack, or 'blaze', only does fire DOT damage and does not aggro thanks to its unique, maybe unintended, mechanic. Its fire ball attack can also be changed in the creature's options tab in regards to 'blaze targeting'; when it is turned on, it automatically aims to a target, and when it is turned off, it is based solely on the player's aim(It's recommended that you have blaze targeting on, as the normal aiming is very spotty and can be very difficult to be precise). The claw attack has a good AOE and it's the most powerful attack(not including burning damage) in the Phoenix's arsenal in terms of raw DPS. También puede hacer daño a piedras y rocas con sus garras. Most impressive is the Phoenix's fiery boost attack in which it can preform an incredibly swift attack by shooting itself to high speed, trailing an aura of fire around and behind itself; it can keep this boost almost indefinitely until it runs out of stamina. Overall, the Phoenix makes a solid, mid-tier fighter. Level Health Health, Melee Damage Melee Damage, and Stamina Stamina.
Fire Rocketing Attack
The Phoenix's fire boosting attack can be used with great potentially, as the attack is so fast that it is difficult to retaliate to or anticipate it, especially when being ridden by a skilled player. If the attack boost is preformed correctly, a multitude of people and creature can be burned in a single swoop, even if they are not terribly close as the flames it emits can reach a decent distance from the body. Large creatures are especially affected, as fire deals the most damage to the largest creatures. The boost can also be used to arrive at a battle very quickly while having the option to escape when things go south. On top of this, the Phoenix can regain Stamina Stamina while hovering in the air, allowing it to quickly recoup far away in the sky where it will be difficult to follow. Note to be careful when using the tactic, as it does take a bit for the boost to rev up to maximum speed which can leave one vulnerable if they break the momentum by hitting a surface, cliff, or creature. Also keep in mind to avoid Auto Turret Turrets, as the lack of a saddle and substantial health can make them easy to kill. Level Health Health, Melee Damage Melee Damage, and Stamina Stamina.
Aerial Attack

Objetos coleccionables[]

Recurso Eficiencia
Archivo:Arena.png Arena ★★★★★
Azufre Azufre ★★★★★
Archivo:Sal cruda.png Sal cruda ★★★★★
Pelaje Pelaje ★★★★☆
Archivo:Savia de cactus.png Savia de cactus ★★★★☆
Obsidiana Obsidiana ★★★★☆
Paja Paja ★★★★☆
Carne cruda Carne cruda ★★★★☆
Metal Metal ★★★★☆
Sílex Sílex ★★★★☆
Carne cruda de primera Carne cruda de primera ★★★★☆
Queratina Queratina ★★★☆☆
Madera Madera ★★★☆☆
Piedra Piedra ★★★☆☆
Quitina Quitina ★★★☆☆
Piel Piel ★★★☆☆
Cristal Cristal ★★★☆☆



Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • Al contrario que el ser "real" perteneciente a la mitología, el Fénix no puede revivir si es cazado.
  • The Dossier was first revealed on August 18, 2017.[1]
  • Reaper Reaper, Nameless Nameless, and Phoenix Phoenix are currently the only species that do not possess a Scientific name, aside from Bosses.
  • Phoenix can be cloned, but must first be ‘grounded’ using a Meglosaurus or Snow Owl. To recover from this state you will need to cryo phoenix and throw it back out after starting the cloning process.
  • There are many variations to the Phoenix myth, but the most common one that the majority of tales have similarities to is this. A sacred eagle-like bird with red and golden feathers spends almost its entire life in a place known as, 'Paradise'. However, overtime, the Phoenix grows old and after 1,000 years have passed, it becomes time for it to fly into the mortal world in order to be reborn. It flies over to the west until it reaches Arabia, where it stops to gather only the finest herbs and spices, like cinnamon, myrrh, and frankincense. The Phoenix than takes these collected spices and herbs to the land of Phoenicia where it finds a place to stop and uses all of its collected herbs and spices to create a nest and then waits in the nest for the rising sun. When the Egyptian sun god, Ra, rides his chariot to let the sun rise, the Phoenix faces east towards the sun and proceeds to sing the most beautiful and haunting song ever heard by man, so beautiful, that Ra stops and listens, causing the sun to stand still. When the Phoenix has finished its cry of farewell, Ra returns to his task of riding his chariots and rising the sun, causing a spark to fly from the sun to hurdle towards the ground. This great spark will land on the nest and the Phoenix, engulfing both in a magnificent fire. All that is left is a tiny worm and ashes. After 3 days however, this worm will transform into a brand new re-birthed Phoenix. This new Phoenix will then take the ashes of its predecessor, and drop them off at the Egyptian city of Heliopolis before returning to Paradise and restarting the 1,000 year cycle all over again.[2]
    • There are however, many different variations of this story. These differences include the Phoenix having different colors, flying to Heliopolis instead of Phoenicia to be burned, carrying its predecessor's ashes with it to Paradise and bringing it back to be burned instead of first dropping them off at Heliopolis, having a life cycle of 500 years, creating a ball of incense and spices instead of a nest, stopping at the temple of the Sun instead of a random location, simply dying and decomposing before rebirth, and other differences.[3]
    • Many scholars believe that the myth of the Phoenix originally came from another mythological bird in Egyptian mythology known as the Bennu. This bird was not eagle-like but instead resembled a heron. The Bennu also has more significance in the mythology, as it was also responsible for singing its haunting cry that began creation and created time in the universe. The Bennu had sacred pillars that it perched made of Ben-Ben stone. The Bennu perched on these pillars ever since the primeval waters of chaos receded at the beginning of time and the Nile was made. The Bennu is also thought to have been a resurrected form of the Egyptian god Osiris, or 'Asar'. It's association with this god often involves the Bennu perching on a sacred willow tree. It is the fiery rebirth of the Bennu and the burning of its parents ashes however that was transferred over into Greek mythology. The Greek interpretation of the Bennu, or Phoenix, was also no longer a heron-like bird, but more like that of an eagle.[4]
    • Throughout history, the cultural significance and meaning has been used to represent different things depending on the culture. Overall, the Phoenix was based on renewal. Egyptian mythology had the Phoenix closely tied with the time, sun, and creation. The Greeks had the Phoenix closely tied with the ideal of metempsychosis. The Roman Empire used the Phoenix to represent their ability as an empire. Many Christian kingdoms used the Phoenix as an allegory to the resurrection of Jesus Christ or the ideals of Christian life and religion. Throughout the ages, the Phoenix also served the purpose of representing virginity, Paradise or Heaven, or the exceptional man. Other cultures also had similar analogues to the Phoenix like the Russian Firebird, Arabian Anqa, Iranian Simorgh, Chinese Vermilion Bird, and the Turkish Konrul.
  • The Phoenix was first found in the DevKit in September 2016.[5] However, there was no official statement on the Phoenix at the time, leaving room for speculation. In June 2017, Jen said on Twitter that the Phoenix was scrapped.[6]
  • Along with the creature model, there was a Phoenix saddle found in the dev kit, which implies that the Phoenix was initially planned to be rideable. In August 2017, Jeremy has tweeted that he is unsure of whether or not to make the Phoenix rideable.[7] In the first version of the dossier, the Phoenix was said to be unrideable. However, on August 24, 2017, Jeremy confirmed that the Phoenix will indeed be rideable.[8]
  • On August 5, 2017 it was announced in Community Crunch 99 that The Phoenix would have been added to Scorched Earth on the 29th of August as a thank you for making the Expansion so successful.
  • The Phoenix, Onyc Onyc, Astrocetus, and the Giant Bee Giant Bee and are the only flying creatures that cannot land. The Phoenix is also the only ride-able flying creature that can regain Stamina while being ridden in the air.
  • The Phoenix fireball attack (right-click) does not draw aggro to the Phoenix. This allows you to slowly kill off troublesome or dangerous creatures with little worry of a counterattack. However the Phoenix does not get credited experience if a creature dies from the DoT of the fireball.
  • There is currently a bug where the Phoenix will stop smelting metal and cooking food. The origin of the bug has yet to be deciphered or documented, and persists through server restarts. You must upload the Phoenix to an obelisk and then download it to fix the bug.
  • Picking up a Phoenix with a Megalosaurus and then letting it go will cripple the Phoenix's ability to fly above ground level or use its Flame Dash (Spacebar). At this point the Phoenix is considered grounded and will take fall damage if you move off a steep edge. It is unconfirmed but it is speculated from personal coincidence that this can also wreak havoc on servers since server latency skyrocketed after colliding the Phoenix with a catwalk. A server restart will fix the Phoenix's ability to fly but the server latency issues are still untested, if even relevant to the situation.
  • The unique dynamic wing texture that causes the illusion of flame is created the devs placing a red secondary feather texture under the main body mesh. These textures will clip together and make the dynamic flame like texture we see on the Phoenix.
  • When spawning it in, the Phoenix may take a second to actually appear.
  • Real birds lay eggs so a realistic Phoenix, if that is even possible at all, would lay eggs to reproduce. However, due to its ancient mythological interpretations, it is not known how the Phoenix of old legend could reproduce, as the creature is only said to either be created from the dead remains or ashes of itself or another Phoenix.
  • Phoenix has the largest turning radius in the entire game, it barely turns around when it advancing by holding space.
  • The easiest way to tame a phoenix without trapping it is to use an already tamed phoenix taking advantage of it's burning bite attack. This, combined with using rare flowers, allows the survivor to hover in one spot in the air while quickly taming the wild phoenix.
  • After taming, the Phoenix will eat only Sulfur Sulfur.
  • If the Phoenix is hit by fire it heals considerably. Most noteably with Fire Wyvern Fire Wyvern breath, it heals by far the most Health Health. This becomes apparent when compared to health values given from other fiery weapons. Taking natural healing into account, Flame Arrow Flame Arrows shot with a Bow Bow o Ballesta ballesta with 100% Weapon Damage gives 55 health points per shot. A Compound Bow Compound Bow with 100% Weapon Damage gives 75 health points per shot. A Flamethrower Flamethrower with 100% Weapon Damage using up 1 Flamethrower Ammo Flamethrower Ammo gives 600 health points but takes around 25 seconds to fully use a single ammo or 24 health points/second. Fire created when a Oil Jar Oil Jar seems to heal the Phoenix much faster than any of the bows or flamethrowers, but it also does not seem to be quite as fast as the Fire Wyvern's breath, with tested numbers being between 160 health points/second and 80 health points/second. The Fire Wyvern Fire Wyvern's breath heals the most at 500 health points per breath but takes around 2.5 second between each breath or 200 health points/second, making the Fire Wyvern the most effective at healing the Phoenix. They are also by far the most effective at taming them too. (Phoenix fire does not heal the Phoenix, but it is immune to it).
  • The spawn commands SpawnDino and Summon work, but you will not see the Phoenix unless it is Superheat. Use the command cheat ce start_superheat to start and ce stop_superheat to end the Superheat. However, you can use the commands SummonTamed Phoenix_Character_BP_C GMSummon "Phoenix_Character_BP_C" [level] or sdf phoenix 1 to spawn a tamed Phoenix that is visible. For further instructions see Console Commands. The ce start_superheat command can be used again in the middle of Superheat to extend the heat wave without the Phoenix despawning if you need more taming time.
  • In order to spawn a Phoenix in another maps different from Scorched Earth be sure use a command that spawns a tamed creature, e.g. sdf Phoenix 1 (Level).
  • The bite attack (Left Mousebutton, RT, PS4: R2) and claw attack (C, Right Stick, PS4: Right Stick) can both be used to harvest organic materials from corpses. The claw attack can break rocks so the Phoenix can harvest metal directly.
  • Despite being constantly on fire, the Phoenix is not a source of heat and provides no hypothermal insulation.
  • As of the first week after release, the Phoenix's Fireball appears to do no damage. However, it does do damage, although the Phoenix is not credited for it. It also appears that the fireball does very small amounts of damage to metal structures. (Retested after most recent patches. It no longer does damage to structures. Presumably it was a bug)
  • Update 268.12 increased the Phoenix's Health by 50%.
  • Update 268.2 significantly upgraded the Phoenix's stats: "Increased Phoenix weight-carrying capacity by +200%, made Sulfur add +200% more food to Phoenix, reduced Phoenix Food consumption rates by 60%, increased Phoenix fire DoT by +200%"
  • Si transfieres un Fénix al mapa de "Aberration", no será inmune al debuff de luz solar; de hecho, morirá muy rápidamente.


