ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Extinction DLC Este artículo trata de una característica exclusiva del DLC: Extinction
Corazón corrupto
Corrupt Heart (Extinction)
El corazón de un dinosaurio corrupto.
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi Corruptheart 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart.PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart'" 1 0 0

El corazón corrupto (Corrupted Heart en la versión original del juego) es uno de los recursos disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


The Corrupt Heart looks like a normal heart in every way, except for the fact that it is covered and tangled with corrupting element.

Corrupt Hearts can be obtained as a rare drop from killing Corrupted Creatures Corrupted Creatures, with only 1 Corrupted Heart being able to be dropped from one. The stronger the creature that is killed, the higher chance of dropping a Corrupt Heart. This means that killing, say a Corrupted Rex Corrupted Rex, will have a higher chance of dropping one than a Corrupted Dilophosaur Corrupted Dilophosaur.

It is used as a tribute item for the Titans of Extinction. For the Forest Titan Forest Titan, Desert Titan Desert Titan, and Ice Titan Ice Titan, they will require 100 Corrupted Hearts each. The King Titan King Titan will have different amounts of hearts needed for tribute depending on difficulty, with Gamma needing 150, and Beta and Alpha needing 300.

