ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Extinction DLC Este artículo trata de una característica exclusiva del DLC: Extinction
Steam Xbox One PS Epic Games Stadia Este artículo es de contenido exclusivo de: Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia.
Cúpula de Nieve
Snow Dome (Extinction)

La Cúpula de Nieve (Snow Dome en la versión original del juego) es una de las regiones disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


La Cúpula de Nieve contiene en su interior al Obelisco Azul. Normalmente deambulan por la zona criaturas que esperarías encontrar en un bioma de nieve normal, como el Rinoceronte Lanudo Rinoceronte Lanudo o el Mamut Mamut, aunque también verás criaturas no asociadas con dicho bioma, como Anquilosaurio Anquilosaurios y Hesperornis Hesperornis. La Cúpula de Nieve puede llegar a ser bastante peligrosa por la constante amenaza de la aparición de Managarmr Managarmrs o Búho de las Nieves Búhos de las Nieves. El lugar tiene una temperatura de 5 °C o 41 °F, así que necesitarás protección hipotermal para sobrevivir.


Muy comunes[]


Poco comunes[]

Muy poco comunes[]

  • Chalicotherium Chalicotherium
  • Megatherium Megatherium
  • Sabertooth Sabertooth


Muy raras[]



From Local Creatures[]

  • Hide Hide
  • Keratin Keratin
  • Pelt Pelt
  • Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat
  • Raw Meat Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Fish Meat Raw Prime Fish Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat
  • Snow Owl Pellet (Extinction) Snow Owl Pellet Extinction Icon


See more details about dealing with Ice Titan Ice Titan in its respective page.

The Ice Titan Arena is a generated arena within the Snow Dome for fighting the boss of the DLC: Extinction, Ice Titan. Upon Activation of the terminal within Ice Cave, all creatures and survivors within the terminal are warped back to the arena within the map, while the Ice Titan Ice Titan is bring formed on the arena and begins to attack the moment it is fully materialized.

As with the other three titans of extinction there is a 6 hour timer between summoning another Ice Titan, the timer begins immediately as soon as the Ice Titan is summoned. If the Ice Titan is still alive and tamed, the timer will still countdown, but no other Ice Titan can be summoned even after the cooldown ends until the existing one dies.

Tribute Requirements[]

The following items are needed to open the Ice Titan Portal and summon Ice Titan:

Item Required Ice Titan
Player Level 1
Artifact of the Void (Extinction) Artifact of the Void Extinction Icon 1
Corrupt Heart (Extinction) Corrupt Heart Extinction Icon 100
Spinosaurus Sail Spinosaurus Sail 10
Therizino Claws Therizino Claws 10

Tribute Spawn Commands[]

Use these commands to give yourself all the items needed for tribute:

Ice Titan
cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_Extinction_IceKaiju.PrimalItemArtifact_Extinction_IceKaiju'" 1 0 0 | cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart.PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart'" 100 0 0 | cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Spino.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Spino'" 10 0 0 | cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Theriz.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Theriz'" 10 0 0

Direct Teleport Creation Commands[]

Use this command to create a portal to go into the arena

cheat summon EX_BossTeleporter_Snow_c


  • Fur Armor Fur Armour is not needed to survive here if you have extremely high Fortitude Fortitude.



Plantilla:Nav Locations Extinction
